Imprint / GDPR LETRA - Legal Translation

Mag. Martina Roland

Professional Experience

09/2012 to present

Freelance Translator

02/2013 to present

English trainer
WIFI Upper Austria
Taught various classes (Online and on-site):

  • Preparation for the Austrian Berufsreifeprüfung in English
  • Preparation for the Austrian A-Level exam in English
  • Business English (various levels)
  • In-company-trainings
  • One-on-one trainings


Spanish and English teacher
Institut Dr. Rampitsch
Two-year preparation courses for the Austrian A-Level exams


Language trainings:

02/2014 to present

Continuous training in the area of teaching at:
WIFI Upper Austria – Seminars and workshops

  • Teaching Productively with ZOOM
  • Workshop for Using Digital Tools in Trainings
  • Teaching and Working with Teenagers
  • General Knowledge of Psychology for Trainers in Lifelong Education and Managers
  • Teaching With Technology


WIFI Diploma Program for Trainers in Lifelong Education (88 lessons)
Contents: Social and personal skills for trainers as well as theory and methodology of teaching



Introduction to simultaneous proofreading
Introduction to the tool „Translate 5” as additional CAT-tool


"Legal English and Legal Writing" and "Orientation in the U.S. Legal System and Business Law"
ILI – International Law Institute, Washington, D.C.


Master’s Program at Johannes Kepler University Linz
Completion of first stage: 11/2014
Completion of various selected exams that are relevant for translating legal texts and documents


Master’s Program at Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Theoretical and Applied Translation Studies
Spanish and Arabic
Published Diploma Thesis: General provisions of the Austrian and Egyptian commercial laws: a concept-based, terminological comparison between German and Arabic, terminology management


Master’s Program at Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Theoretical and Applied Translation Studies
Second stage completed


Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid
ERASMUS study exchange


Summer Translation Institute at Western Michigan University
Advanced Translation Program for Arabic and English


Various language courses in Spain, Egypt and Syria


Completion of secondary education (high school)
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, Landwiedstraße 82
Austrian A-Level exams with honors

Imprint / GDPR © 2012-2024 LETRA - Legal Translations - Mag. Martina Roland